
Mobile App Trends A Start-Up Should Invest In 2017

We live in an era which has enabled the ease of shopping online. Every business, be it small or big, is adopting the mobile-first strategy and have ventured into mobile app development for growth and improved output. There is a pressure that is mounting on every business, and that is driving the companies to look for developers to create apps for them based on their business fundamentals. 1 The above information from Statista forecasts the reach of smartphone globally around the year 2020. If we talk about the current scenario, more than 50% of the global population uses a smartphone, and almost two-thirds of the world’s internet traffic originates from mobile devices. 2 The realization of having an app as a representation tool has made businesses invest a lot of time and money in the research process, and the research is done to know the current trends in the market. As per the survey conducted by Clutch.co, 47% of small businesses across the US are likely to have their mobile apps to penetrate the customer base, be visible to the customers and drive sales. Mobile apps for business are experiencing various trends, and these trends are the key to their success, such as security trends, the platform they are based on and the design of the UI along with the best user experience (UX). Trends to Look Out For – 2017 So, what are the trends that are creating a rift in the market and how can you be one of the early adopters so that you can stand out amongst your competition? We are laying out some points and will discuss the trends in detail as we progress in the article ahead.

App on a Hybrid Platform (Cross Platform App Development)

Hybrid mobile apps are developed with the combination of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc. & these are the progressive form of mobile apps that are in trends for 2017. They are integrated with APIs which allows them to use various inbuilt features of the smartphone or mobile devices such as the camera and the accelerometer. Hybrid apps are popular because of the seamless integration & synchronization data using the cloud technology. Hybrid apps are highly cost effective and are developed in a shorter time range as compare to Native ones.

Apps on Cloud

Cloud has captured the imagination of every mind today, and the market as well. It doesn’t depend on the internal or external storage units. The data can be centralized, avoiding the loss of information. Nearly 75% of the global smartphone users prefer to use apps that are backed by the cloud storage. The reason behind this is Security. Cloud based apps are meant to be highly secure and extremely effective. 2017 will be the progressive year for cloud-based apps.

Internet of Things

One of the hottest trends right now. Let’s explain with an example. You are a retailer, and your client base is enormous with wide range of products. We all know that products come with a date of expiry. Developing an app which can be integrated with the products you sell means the data can be collected and stored by both customers and the sellers. The app will calculate the functioning of the product based on various vertical and gather data if any failure is observed. The app can regularly keep the user updated about the service time of the product. If it’s a perishable item, then the app will notify the customer about the same. The app can report any offers or schemes related to the product or other products. IoT apps have many advantages and will be a big part of our lives in the days to come.

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Technology

It’s all about enterprise mobility. Enterprise mobility has transformed the working environment of many big organizations; employees are more productive as they can use mobile devices to fulfill their daily business tasks. EMM technology can be used to locate a lost device that is connected to the centralized API, or it can be used to clear all the sensitive data related to the user and the organization. The app can upgrade the data security based on Organizational mobile device usage policies. After finding lots of benefits like streamlined data, increased productivity, business growth, etc. small and medium enterprises are also looking for extremely good and highly secure enterprise mobile applications.

CTA Highlighted in Mobile App Design

This is exactly what businesses using mobile strategy need to know. A diffused background and subtle color scheme combined with a minimalistic design that diverts the focus of the user on the CTA buttons for business transactions. A good example includes Splash.

Chat Option and Social Sharing

If you are in the e-commerce business, creating an app that positively constructs your brand name is crucial. Consumers love to use apps that have social sharing and online chat options that come inbuilt. Providing such an option increases customer engagement and raises the market acquisition of your brand. Providing social networking option will be an add-on advantage.

Digital Payment Apps

A frequent shopper needs various options of making payments while shopping online and if you provide them an integrated e-wallet option, their user experience becomes more seamless. Digital payment apps will win more hearts when all the security factors are considered before developing a seamless app for users. Users are more active nowadays, and they require proper security before using these kinds of digital payment apps.

Motion and Location Sensors Enabled

Every smartphone today comes with motion and location sensors. And the users love to utilize them. As this feature also collects data, this data can be used to provide location-based promotions and services related to the accessibility to the nearest retail outlet, or based on the user data history online promotions can be given to them. These features increase the rate of conversion and help you flourish the business. We have been supporting customers nurture and progress their business process by providing mobile application development, enterprise solutions and technology consultation services that are class apart. Rapidops is well known for developing eccentric mobile applications and building comprehensive solutions. for enterprises  Get in touch with us and get ask for a quote today, and be disruptive!

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