
Why hire a “Specialist App Development Team”?

If your team identifies a need to develop a digital solution, the biggest concern is hiring a good talent. There are several options to evaluate for finalizing the team who will make your idea a success.

  1. Rely on the team working in-house to accomplish the task
  2. Outsource the work or a part of the work to a freelancer
  3. Work with a specialist development firm like Rapidops, Inc.

Depending upon the need of your digital product development, you might want to give a thought to every available options. By digital product I mean, revamping your website with latest design trends keeping user interface as a prime focus or launching a mobile app to market your product or any such mobile solution that boosts your business growth. Be it any mobile initiative you are planning to work on, you most likely to get caught up into the most common dilemma “which one is the best option” to go for while choosing a team. Well, the best and ideal choice is to “work with a specialist development firm”. I know you would like to know concrete reason behind my claim. Why in-house isn’t the best development option? How can I trust an off-shore team? What if they don’t deliver on time?  Your questions are valid. Let me address them and some more concerns you might have: Why shouldn’t I hire a freelancer having few years of experience at a cheaper rate rather than a highly experienced professional at a higher cost? Inexperienced freelancers lack in quality. While, professional web and mobile app developers having years of domain experience can deliver app that works as expected. Ultimately you look for maximum usability, highest downloads and positive word of mouth with good ratings on app stores. All that which matter the most for an app success can be achieved if you have hired a specialist app development company. Don’t hire “yet another freelancer” unless you want “yet another app”. Alright, I’ll hire a professional developer, but what’s the point of hiring a team of developers? Handling design, development, testing, and deployment is too much of an effort for a single developer, no matter how experienced he/she is. If you work with a specialist mobile app development company with a team led by a manager, you achieve quick time to market, lower downtimes and high quality apps in a very short time. That’s the reason why these firms quite often deliver projects way before the deadlines. But, I doubt that professional developers may ask too many complex questions? Actually, that’s the case with inexperienced developers, especially freelancers. They annoy you by asking too many irrelevant questions. In fact, mobile app developers and designers at specialist development firms, ask specific questions to help you refine your need and realize the impact of the final solution, in terms of value, money and goodwill. Their years of experience building digital platforms, will help you re-invasion the product idea from the initial level to make it a real success. I do not have technical background; how can I rely upon a team for the success of product without knowing the technicality? Well, you can reply upon a specialist development firm for their experience and expertise; without being a coder.  The team will work as your technology consultant and help you achieve your goal with best suitable strategies, tools and techniques. You just explain the app requirements in detail to the team and can invest your time in better productive goals. What about the price? Is there any guarantee that the experts will create a workable product that can hit the market? Well, you pay for what you get, is absolutely correct when it comes to hiring an expert team of thinkers, designers, developers and testers. And to make sure that you are employing a real company for your app idea, go through their portfolio and see the variety of development work that they have produced so far. Check how their products rate in the app store and what are real user’s feedback? It is vital to research all of the options first. And it is obvious to compare the costs but know what is included in each quote. The cheapest price might be very bare-bones and cost you much higher in long term fixing the bugs or recreating the product from scratch sometime. While the highest cost may come with some salient benefits like on-demand support and free expert consultation which reap you much higher returns in long run. Think of some scenarios where you haven’t compromised on quality; you have hired expert electrician for rewiring your office or took assistance from an experienced interior designer for makeover of your home; then why would you ever consider developing a digital product or a platform without utilizing the expert’s skills of a specialist web and mobile app developers? If you have an app idea, or need of creating digital platform or a web app, contact Rapidops, Inc. today for professional assistance.


Shailee Parikh

I am a marketing enthusiast, who likes to try out disruptive ideas and deliver them effortlessly. Reading and writing about innovation, technology and startups interests me.

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